T.I.P. (Teens in the Park) Fest now in it's 9th season is the largest platform for Chicago’s young artists to showcase their talent, connect to resources and celebrate one another's talents. This stage gives young artist, including singers, rappers, dancers, spoken word artists, musicians, and poets between the ages of 14 and 24 to showcase their art and interact with other creators.
Ahead of the culminating T.I.P. Fest, artists must register for one of three auditions to be eligible to participate at the City-Wide event. Each audition location will have a dope judging panel made of music industry professionals, reps from the Chicago Park District, and John Walt Foundation.
Top performances from each audition location will be chosen by the judges to advance to the final, T.I.P. Fest performance. The top three performances at T.I.P. Fest will receive monetary/cash awards.
Stay tuned for more details. Date and time of T.I.P. Fest coming soon.
June 7 | 5:30pm-8pm Washington Park, 5531 S Martin Luther King Dr.
June 27 | 5:30-8pm La Follette Park, 1333 N Laramie.
July 18 | 5:30-8pm Revere Park, 2509 W Irving Park Rd.
Lollapalooza 2023 feat TIP FEST Winners from 2022
TIP FEST 2023 Winners & Recap
1st Place – Zia | 2nd Place (Tie) – Jonathan & Nae | 3rd Place – Queen
TIP FEST 2022 Winners
T.I.P. (Teens in the Park) Fest is the largest platform for Chicago’s young artists to showcase their talent, connect to resources and celebrate one another's talents.
6/25/22 Audition Recap by Fujinon Jon Photography

7/9/22 Audition Recap by Fujinon Jon Photography